Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5 Tips for Bodybuilding Beginners

Image credit: Speedoglyn (

If you’ve been meaning to get started with bodybuilding but couldn’t quite get into it, this article is for you.

First and foremost, you have to know that succeeding in your bodybuilding goals actually depends on several factors – your diet, your workout, and your attitude. Eating right is very important not only before and after your training but even throughout the course of the day. Next, having a workout plan is also a must. It is a common saying among muscle buffs that “going to the gym without a plan is pretty similar to going to the grocery store without a list.” Your workout program should be based on your physical capacity and what type of muscles you want to build. Finally, your attitude will determine your altitude. Having determination is one of the keys that lead towards successful muscle building. It requires hard work, patience, and perseverance. There are lifestyle changes you should be willing to make if you seriously want to transform your body into something greater than what you currently have.  

To help you begin in the right direction, here are some practical tips you should keep in mind:

Solid Muscle Foundation

Walking into a gym, it can be pretty tempting to try out each of the interesting equipment they have there. This is actually not advisable since your initial goal should be to establish a solid muscle foundation first. As a newbie, it’s actually better to begin with dumbbells and barbells.    

Limit the Exercises

The same can be said when it comes to exercises. You really have to limit the exercises you perform during your workout time. Barbell bench presses, deadlifts, military shoulder presses, and squats are highly recommended for beginners. Do not attempt to do all exercises you read on magazines or fitness websites.  
Stick To Your Plan

As mentioned above, having a program in mind is necessary as you start training. Again, your plan should be personalized to your physical needs and conditions. Consulting with a personal trainer is recommended.  

Workout Frequency

Once that your program is already in place, do not try to strain yourself by training every single day. Remember that you are a beginner and experts would confirm that you need at least 3 or 4 workouts every week. The remaining days should be used to help your muscles recover and rest.

Eat Right

Consuming protein-rich foods is crucial because it helps you build muscle mass. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from junk foods. Read this page to learn about the best bodybuilding supplements and take them regularly.

By doing these simple suggestions, you will be able to grow your muscles in no time.

Relevant Links:
Bodybuilding Basic Principles (

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Commitment: An Important Factor in Bodybuilding

Photo Credit: Syringe Nurse (

Hard work and perseverance are just two important things that we need to become successful in anything we do. For bodybuilders, you will always remain to be an ordinary bodybuilder if you do not have the discipline, most of all the commitment needed in becoming an exception above the rest.

Bodybuilding is not a sport, it is a lifestyle. There is a difference between an ordinary bodybuilder and a bodybuilder that is a cut among the rest. The later has commitment, something the former lacks.

There are three things needed to become one of the best bodybuilder, proper diet, exercise, discipline and hard work. One can never become the exceptional bodybuilder that he wants to be without completing all the requirements. Buying protein bars online and eating them in between meals as well as spending hours in the gym is not enough unless one commits to a proper diet. If you cannot sustain the discipline that you have in the gym into your homes and in your kitchen, you will always remain to be ordinary.

Why is commitment important in bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is a hardcore sport. Bodybuilders are not just aesthetically good looking people who happen to have extraordinary big muscles at the right places. They are also athletes. They are expected to perform to a certain degree to be considered on top form.

Keeping their muscles looking good and really in good condition is not an easy feat to do. There are three things they need to commit to:

  1. A healthy diet
A healthy diet is very important in the life and career of a bodybuilder. Having poor nutrition will just slow down and will eventually cause premature diseases, illnesses and problems to the health of bodybuilders. Proper diet and correct nourishment should be exercised at all times. They should maintain a healthy diet inside the gym, in their homes and even outside these two places. There is no excuse when it comes to maintaining a proper diet in any sporting event a person would like to excel at.

  1. Exercise
Exercise is very important in building and in keeping muscles in good condition. A bodybuilder can never rely on dietary supplements and muscle enhancing pills to get the body that they want. Being a bodybuilder includes pure and first hand sweat and hard work. If you want to build and keep muscles, you need to work hours and hours inside the gym, preferably with a trainer to achieve the body that you want.

  1. Commitment and Hard work
There is no turning back when it comes to bodybuilding. I have never seen someone who seriously got buffed and turn backed from the sport later on. Bodybuilders always tend to go further, to become bigger and to become stronger – something they could not achieve without commitment and hard work.

Commit into becoming the best bodybuilder you are capable of becoming. See the results of a committing yourself into the lifestyle needed in this sport.

Resource Link:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spotting a Bad Workout Supplement

The workout supplement industry is considered by non-users as one big scam. They argue that all you need to get results is diligent trips to the gym and a eating the right foods at the right time. This is true, but this is exactly why supplements are called as such: they supplement whatever it is that you take. Protein can be found in chicken, for instance, but eating too much chicken just for additional protein can be counterproductive; hence protein supplements. While there are a lot of good supplements out there, there are still bad apples in the basket.

How do you spot the bad ones? The first thing you can do is to do some research. Most of the bad ones often have banned substances. Anything you come across with that contain steroids should be avoided like a sprinting zombie. It's also worth noting that some specific brands have been "reworked." Jack3d and OxyElite, for instance, were pulled from shelves for containing a potentially lethal substance. These have been since reworked and put back into the market. Just make sure you pick the second incarnation of these said products if there's any.

One good example is Mesomorph, which had a loyal following. Its manufacturers took out one component and renamed it Mesomorph 2.0. If you encounter one without the "2.0," it might be better to stay away from it. Acai berries are the same thing. They had bad rep because of false advertising, but it does have its advantages.

Sometimes, it's not the harmful ingredients that make the supplement bad. It's often what they mix into it that dilutes its quality. As a good rule of thumb, it is best to find supplements that have minimal ingredients. For instance, there are different types of creatine supplements. If a product that's branded to be a creatine supplement but has too much of other stuff in it, it may not be worth the purchase if you're strictly going for creatine.

At this point, you may already figure out that the secret is to look at the nutritional label on each product. Always do that and familiarize yourself with what these ingredients do. If you find an ingredient that you have not heard of before, it's probably because it isn't useful; or worse, harmful to your health. There are a lot of interchangeable terms when it comes to supplement ingredients, but if you find one that you can't pronounce, chances are it's made up or it is a questionable component of the product. Better stay away from those.

Related Links:
7 New Weight Loss Supplements With Top Scientific Ratings (

How to Choose Your Workout Supplement

Proper exercise and a healthy diet is enough to build muscles. For someone in a hurry, however, the results can take forever to be noticed. This is especially true if one feels like working out is a chore and not a goal-oriented affair. If it is faster results you need, the answer is simple: work out more. The problem is that we have different body types and different levels of endurance. This is where supplements come in: to give us a boost with our gym trips.

How do you choose your pre workout supplement? The first thing you're going to need is information. You will want to know what a supplement is then determine what kind of supplement you need. There are pre workout supplements, post workout supplements, weight loss supplements, and more. It's important to know what you need. For instance, a protein powder and creatine combination is a staple in bodybuilding as it gives the best results in building mass. If you just want to be in shape and lose some pounds, you don't really need them.

Once you've determined the supplements you want, check various products and find some reviews for them. If you want real reviews, visit various bodybuilding forums. This way, you'll know if a review is a paid one or not, as various forum members will call it out if it is. For instance, APS Mesomorph 2.0 has pretty fair reviews on NutritionWarehouse's webpage, but forum reviews often still call out side effects that may or may not be experienced by first time users.

This is actually the next step in the process. Once you've chosen the supplement and have reviewed the reviews, you should then start looking for possible side effects. This shouldn't put you off of using supplements. Almost every supplement has a side effect. For instance, most pre workout supplements that contain beta alanine will come with a prickly or tingling sensation. This is viewed by most bodybuilders as a sign that the supplement is working as it should be. However, this can turn into a full-blown itchiness if you take too high of a dose.

Most supplement side effects can be circumvented. It's also the same with creatine, which works by fueling your muscles with whatever water reserves your body has. This leads to dizziness, headaches, and other symptoms that lead to one thing: dehydration. Should you find yourself using creatine, be sure to take a lot of water with it.

Finally, for the best experience, seek advice from a nutritionist or physician. They should be able to tell you what supplements are good and which ones are bad. Once you get the green light from them, knock yourself out.

Related Links:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Creatine Supplements – The Good and Bad

The most popular bodybuilding supplements often include protein powders, BCAA, and creatine. Ask any experienced bodybuilder and you'll find that they have used creatine at one point or another. Most times, they're still using it. The reason is simple. Our body is about seventy percent water, and this includes the muscles. Creatine reroutes most of our water to the muscles, making building mass a lot quicker.

As with every supplement or any old medicinal product, there are pros and there are cons. Here are a few related to creatine.

The Good

The good thing about creatine is the fact that it's backed up by science.  This is in sharp contrast to other supplements, such as acai berry which has a reputation of a weight-loss scam product despite having a ton of benefits that may or may not have anything to do with weight-loss.

When taken as bodybuilding supplements, science shows no evidence of adverse effects. This, of course, comes with a fine print. For one, creatine intake is a two to three-step process, which you have to follow for the best results. One of these processes involve what's called "cycling off," meaning you have to stop taking creatine for a few days or weeks while you work on those muscles. Another "fine print" involves people with kidney problems, which should not take creatine under any circumstances.

Another good thing about creatine is that it gives a performance boost in the gym. When taking creatine, you will feel a lot stronger and endure a lot longer. By incorporating creatine in your bodybuilding plans, you get to work out more. This allows for quicker results.

The Bad

While creatine is proven effective, there are a lot of ground rules to follow. For one, since creatine redirects all the water to your muscles, you will be in danger of getting dehydrated. When taking creatine, you need to drink lots of water. Another bad thing about creatine is that its users sometimes have psychological attachments to it.

This is often true when the user is in the cycling off period. The sudden ceasing of creatine intake leads to lower energy levels and unenhanced gym performance, dealing a blow to the bodybuilder's morale. It's not a withdrawal phase, really. It's more of a "I miss it" feeling.

Finally, effective as creatine is, there are just some people who take no benefit from them. They refer to themselves as "non-responders." If this happens, there are a  few alternatives. However, it's worth noting that these alternatives may not be as good as creatine and may have side effects. So do your research thoroughly before getting one.

To sum it up, creatine is one of the best bodybuilding supplements out there. It allows for the best results to be noticeable in the shortest possible time. As long as you're not unlucky enough to be a non-responder, you'll be fine.

Related Links:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Acai Berry - 3 Important Health Benefits You Can't Ignore

image credit: vince.vance (

The people around the Amazon cherished the acai berry for hundreds of years. Acai berries are actually a member of the palm tree family. The palm trees that grow around the Amazon River are the ones responsible for the abundance of these fruits. The berries, which are dark purple in color, hang in bunches 40 feet above the ground near the leaves of palm trees. As we all know, palm trees don't have any branches.

This amazing berry is a wonderful gift of nature to the people of the jungle. It is loaded with health-giving properties that help to strengthen people's tissues and cells. It fortifies the body's resistance to diseases, and it protects people from infection and inflammation.

It is only upon the advent of modern science that the health-giving properties of this South American superfood were identified. The "power" of the acai berry, which had long been acknowledged and revered by the people in the Amazon, turned out to be its antioxidants, phytonutrients, B vitamins, electrolytes, and polyphenolic anthocyanin compounds that include  resveratrol, ferulic acid, and petunidin.

These nutrients and a lot more have made acai berry the superfood that it was and still is until today. Here are two of the most known health benefits of acai berry:

1. It helps to prevent cancer.

Acai berry is rich in vitamin C and antocyanins. These natural substances work to suppress or neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are a consequence of the body's normal metabolic process. They can also occur during during prolonged exposure to the sun. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging and the death of cells.

Vitamin C also works to keep your skin healthy and youthful.

2. Acai berry helps to keep your heart healthy.

Like red wine grapes, this amazing South American fruit contains resveratrol. It is a polyphenol compound that works to reduce inflammation and prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arterial walls. Resveratrol also contains blood-thinning properties that prevent blood from forming clots that might can a heart attack.

3. It helps to strengthen your immune system.

Aside from its ability to suppress cancer and prevent heart disease, acai berry is also loaded with anti-bacterial properties. It can help to fortify your immune system and boost your resistance to disease-causing organisms.   

As a final reminder, you have to bear in mind that acai berry is not intended to replace any medication that your doctor has prescribed for you. You have to take it as a food supplement to ensure that you will enjoy its health-giving properties. As much as possible, you should take only the acai berry that is supported by a Certificate of Analysis. It's always good to know more about acai berry so that you will be able to identify its trustworthy sources.

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